Sad and thoughtful man after arguing with girlfriend

I’ve shared in other articles and videos about my own erection journey. I may regret being so open about all of this. I talk about it because I want to offer some hope and encouragement to anyone else who might be struggling.

About seven years ago, I was simply not taking care of my body. Bad food, alcohol, minimal exercise all contributed to high blood pressure, resting heart rate that was too high and, yes, some ED.

My name is Andy and I have some personal understanding of the weight that we men carry when we aren’t fully functioning on the penile erection front.

While every man’s journey and, frankly, etiology is unique to him, at the very least I want you to know that you aren’t the only one who deals with what you are facing.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be a source of frustration for many men, impacting both physical and emotional well-being. Here are some of the questions we, as men, ask ourselves:

1. Will I ever be able to “perform” like I used to?

Men with ED may experience anxiety about their sexual performance, leading to a cycle of worry that can exacerbate the problem. For me, when everything was working great, I didn’t really give it much thought. As soon as my erections weren’t happening the way I thought they should, it was all I could think about.

ED affects how we feel about ourselves at a deeper level. And I don’t know if it surfaces as a question we ask in our minds or just becomes a feeling that remains under the surface, but ED can negatively impact a man's self-esteem and confidence. Feelings of inadequacy or a sense of failure can be frustrating and challenging to cope with.

Not only do we struggle with how we feel about ourselves, but we also face how it might affect our relationship with our partner.

2. Can my relationship take this sort of pressure? Will we deal with it together or is it up to me to find a solution?

Think about the image that is often used in ads for ED. In the picture that we attached to this article you can see that not only is the guy kicking himself but look at the partner!  I can only imagine the emotions here and wonder if the two of them will talk about it all.

ED can strain relationships as it may affect intimacy and communication between partners. When it becomes this unspoken thing that we just hope goes away on its own, it then may become a wedge within the relationship.

It leads to misunderstandings about what is going on within most areas of the relationship. And when we don’t communicate with one another about it, the impact just grows larger.

3. That leads to another question: Will we ever feel like our intimacy is “natural”?

Finding an effective treatment for ED may involve trying different medications or therapies, and the process of trial and error can be frustrating.

You think you’ve found something that works only to have it NOT work. We may feel that we’ve lost the spontaneity factor.

So that means we must find new ways to make treatment just a part of our intimate lives. It can be done but it takes some vulnerability and open communication with our partner.

For a time, I had to redefine “natural” when it comes to sexual intimacy. While I was taking care of getting all-around healthy, I still had to draw upon some of the available resources and found that if I was honest with my partner, the whole thing became our new “natural.”

I work with Timm Medical and am happy to put these more personal videos out there because I believe that it’s worth putting forth the work to overcome the three questions I have raised in this article:

  1. Will I ever be able to “perform” like I used to?
  2. Can my relationship take this sort of pressure? Will we deal with it together or is it up to me to find a solution?
  3. Will we ever feel like our intimacy is “natural”?

It's important for individuals experiencing ED to seek support from healthcare professionals, as there are various treatment options available, both medical and psychological, to address the underlying causes and improve sexual health.

If you go to, you will find one potential treatment for your ED. It’s been tried and true for over 40 years and is still going strong. The Vacuum Erection Device may provide a more, non-pharmacological treatment option for you. And if you are willing, you may be able to draw your partner into the discussion about whether it is something you should consider.

You can always write us at if you have questions.

Bring Intimacy Back into Your Life